Wísdómhord is a flat file database tool for internal project use.
15h51m (22 logs) from 27 Snáw 226 to 7 Hærfest 227.
The main goal of Wísdómhord is to create a flat file db format that produces files that are in line with my aesthetics, are easy to read and make sense to check into Github.
An example hord looks like:
// INVOKER :: Wísdómhord
// DESCRIPTION :: An example hord
// INCEPT :: 10 Regn 226 // 05.00
// UPDATED :: 10 Regn 226 // 05.40
// COUNT :: 7
[ COL1 | COL2 | COL3 | COL4 ]
[ Hello world | 12345 | True | Wé ]
[ Wes Hál | 67890 | False | Gárdena ]
[ Hallo Welt | 123 | True | in ]
[ Saluton mondo | 34.2 | False | géardagum ]
[ qo' vIvan | 42 | True | þéodcyninga ]
[ Suilad ambar | 1968 | | þrym ]
[ Ada mūnok | | True | gefrúnon ]
Wísdómhord is intended to be the primary data store of Færeld, and subsequently the data store that Hrǽw uses to display task data for each project.